World Rhino Day - Check Out Our Amazing Infographic Here
World Rhino Day - Check Out Our Amazing Infographic Here

World Rhino Day - Check Out Our Amazing Infographic Here

Victoria Falls Conservation Experience

Victoria Falls Conservation Experience

13 - 27 Nights from $1,619.00

Help make a difference to Zimbabwe's incredible wildlife and visit the breath-taking Victoria Falls.

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Zimbabwe Rhino Operation

Zimbabwe Rhino Operation

Zululand Wildlife Conservation Project

Zululand Wildlife Conservation Project

14 - 84 Nights from $1,619.00

Assist in vital conservation efforts in South Africa, working to protect the iconic ‘Big 5’ and other priority endangered species.

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Thriving Rhinos: An Update from The Great Rhino Rescue Missions

Thriving Rhinos: An Update from The Great Rhino Rescue Missions

Zula, Ugai, Namela, and Aya have adapted beautifully to life at the SanWild Sanctuary & Reserve. Join their journey and make a difference by joining the fifth Great Rhino Rescue Mission.

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Recent Volunteer Highlights at the Victoria Falls Conservation Experience

Recent Volunteer Highlights at the Victoria Falls Conservation Experience

Big Five walks, wilderness campouts, and community gardening are just a few recent highlights from Victoria Falls Conservation volunteers. Discover how these meaningful projects are transforming lives and landscapes in Zimbabwe!

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Celebrating a Conservation Win This World Rhino Day

Celebrating a Conservation Win This World Rhino Day

This World Rhino Day, we’re thrilled to share the story of The Great Rhino Rescue Mission, where our dedicated volunteers embarked on an inspiring journey to South Africa.

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Posted by Leanne Sturrock on 22nd Sep 2016 2 mins

Today is World Rhino Day; a time where we shift our focus to one of the planet's most tragically endangered species, and shed light on what can be done to prevent their demise. With three of the five species of rhino critically endangered as of right now (and issues such as poaching seemingly getting worse - a record 1,004 rhinos were killed in South Africa in 2013, a hundredfold increase since 2006, when just 10 were killed), it is absolutely time to spread awareness of the rhino's supreme adversity and to do what we can to prevent this number of deaths getting any worse. One of our partners, Ryan Panchal, has put together an infographic which concisely puts into perspective the damage caused by human beings throughout the years.

We urge you to take the time to absorb the information above, and to consider what you could do to prevent numbers like this from appearing year on year. Raise awareness of poaching, habitat loss and the use of rhino horn in medicine by holding events or seminars at work, or in your classes at school/college. Have a dress-up day and fundraiser to collect donations for rhino conservation. Or, if you'd prefer to be more hands-on, check out our project pages and see how you can get involved with rhino-related eco-tours. A donation will be made from every booking, straight into conservation and your chosen project, thus keeping the animals away from danger and the spirit of altruism alive.

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