An Update From The White Lion Conservation Project - The Akeru Pride Are Settling In Together!
An Update From The White Lion Conservation Project - The Akeru Pride Are Settling In Together!

An Update From The White Lion Conservation Project - The Akeru Pride Are Settling In Together!

White Lion Conservation Project

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Posted by Connor Whelan on 20th Jul 2017 2 mins

We’ve had an update from the team at the White Lion Conservation Project in South Africa, and we are happy to report that the integration of the world’s newest White Lion pride is going well! Dorothee, the volunteer coordinator at the project site, has told us in a bit more detail what has been going on recently, so let’s take a look at what she has said!

3 White Lions in South Africa

“The four members of the Akeru pride at our southern property (which is also the location of the volunteer accommodation) Mbube are in the middle of integration and forming a stable pride.

Khanyiza and Khanyezi, our two Queens and Letaba and Regeus, our two Kings, are keeping our monitoring team busy with daily changes in their behaviours and interactions.


Letaba the white lion

Letaba seems to have tried to claim ownership over the two ladies, while his brother Regeus, stands his ground when he needs to and is also becoming a crucial part of the pride.

Love, respect and patience are his strategies. So, often we see all 4 pride members enjoying the sun, sitting or lying very close together.

Khanyezi, our younger and very adventurous lioness seemed to disagree with Letaba´s ownership over her. Totally ignoring the big guard close to her, she often goes her own way which leads her more and more to Regeus!

Female Lions

Time will tell how the story unfolds. Will Letaba be happy with his favourite lioness Khanyiza and leave Khanyezi with his brother? We won’t know the answers to these questions for a while yet, but we can’t wait to find out what happens!

Our volunteers have been able to witness some beautiful moments with the Akeru pride and we are sure there will be many more to come for anyone who volunteers with us here at the project!

We are delighted to hear that the lions are all settling in extremely well as the slow process of their integration continues. We look forward to hearing more updates from the project as time goes on, but for now why not check it out and see if you could become our next white lion volunteer!

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