What Do You Know About Marine Volunteering Abroad?
What Do You Know About Marine Volunteering Abroad?

What Do You Know About Marine Volunteering Abroad?

The Great White Shark Project

The Great White Shark Project

14 - 84 Nights from $1,244.00

Come face to face with one of the world’s most misunderstood predators whilst aiding great white shark conservation.

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Getting The Most From Your Volunteering Trip - Our Top 10 Tips For Volunteers

Getting The Most From Your Volunteering Trip - Our Top 10 Tips For Volunteers

Volunteering with endangered animals abroad can seem a little confusing for those who have never done it before, but luckily we are here to help! Today we are presenting our top 10 tips for volunteers so take a look and see if you can learn anything to help you our on your next trip!

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The Special Offer Projects - What Do They Want To Achieve?

The Special Offer Projects - What Do They Want To Achieve?

We often get asked what the end goal is for the animal conservation projects we run here at The Great Projects, and today we wanted to take a look at the three projects that are on special offer this month. Take a look and learn about what the Great Gorilla, Orangutan and Pygmy Elephant, and Great White Shark Projects all want to achieve!

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Are These Trips On Your Bucket List?

Are These Trips On Your Bucket List?

Everyone has a bucket list, but have any of these trips made it onto yours?

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Posted by Connor Whelan on 21st Jul 2016 2 mins

There are those people who watch nature documentaries on television and others who venture into the world and seek out the beauty of the planet for themselves. If you count yourself among the latter then marine volunteering abroad may be the perfect adventure for you. With the ever-growing need for conservation volunteers across the world, this opportunity to combine travel and eco-awareness is more important than ever.

Many people struggle to separate the ideas of volunteering and vacation, but in reality, marine volunteering abroad simply gives you the best of both worlds. Imagine going on an early-morning dive among the coral reefs of the Maldives, but instead of aimless exploring, you are tracking fish population movements within the reef, or observe manta rays in their natural habitat. Have you ever thought of dropping into South African waters with great white sharks? What about protecting sea turtles in their sanctuaries from poachers and other threats? The variety and intensity of marine conservation projects is very large, meaning that anyone, regardless of experience level or prior knowledge, can get involved and make a difference. These are some of the most unique and biologically significant ecosystems on our planet, and they are under serious threat.

If you are a self-proclaimed wanderer, who also happens to care about conservation issues, then marine volunteering abroad is something you should strongly consider. You have the chance to work with local communities on amazing conservation projects, educate yourself and others, and make an impact on these precious marine species that so desperately need our help. For those who want to make something meaningful out of their next trip to a truly exotic location, you can find out more by checking out the projects on offer!

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