Back in September this year, one of our volunteers visited the Great Elephant Project in Sri Lanka and brought back some spectacular pictures from the project site. There were a lot to choose from, so we have selected some of our favourites which we think really show off just how incredible and varied this project is! We would like to say a big thank you to Richard for sharing these pictures with us, so let’s take a look:
This elephant knew exactly where the camera was!
An image which shows just how close to nature volunteers get on this project.
It's not just elephants that Richard saw out in Sri Lanka, he also managed to spot a White Bellied Sea Eagle.There are elephants of all ages that need the volunteers help.Here is a Purple Heron walking through the grass.A herd of elephants grazing in the distance.You don't see a pair of wild peacocks every day! Sunset's don't get much more picturesque and serene than this.
As you can see, Richard got some incredible pictures during his two week stay at the project, and this has hopefully given you a taste of what you can expect if you become out latest elephant volunteer! To find out a little bit more about the project, take a click here. If you want to check out the remainder of Richards volunteering pictures, then his portfolio is available on Flickr. It is well worth looking at!