The White Lions Need Your Help!
The White Lions Need Your Help!

The White Lions Need Your Help!

White Lion Conservation Project

White Lion Conservation Project

Recent Volunteer Highlights at the Victoria Falls Conservation Experience

Recent Volunteer Highlights at the Victoria Falls Conservation Experience

Big Five walks, wilderness campouts, and community gardening are just a few recent highlights from Victoria Falls Conservation volunteers. Discover how these meaningful projects are transforming lives and landscapes in Zimbabwe!

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World Lion Day 2024: Celebrating a Milestone in Conservation Amidst the Challenges

World Lion Day 2024: Celebrating a Milestone in Conservation Amidst the Challenges

World Lion Day 2024 highlights a milestone in ending captive lion breeding in South Africa. Explore the next steps and challenges facing conservationists.

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SanWild Sanctuary & Reserve Rescues Circus Lions

SanWild Sanctuary & Reserve Rescues Circus Lions

In an heartening relocation operation, Tonga Terre d’Accueil and SanWild Sanctuary & Reserve have partnered to transfer two lions from a French circus and four servals from illegal trafficking to South Africa. Circus lions Massai and Kyara, who spent 13 years in captivity, and the servals will experience the freedom of their African homeland for the first time!

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Posted by Connor Whelan on 13th Sep 2016 2 mins

Due to their genetic make-up being so rare in the natural world, white lions are in desperate need of the conservation efforts surrounding them to be increased, and thankfully you can help.

White lions exist due to a genetic mutation which is a less severe version of the gene that causes albinism. This recessive gene can be passed down from generation of white lion to the next, much in the same way blue eyes can in humans.

White Lion

As it is recessive, the gene can still be passed down even if a white lion mates with a tawny lion, and therefore the good news is that it is possible to regenerate a healthy and sustainable white lion population in the wild!

This is where you come in. As a volunteer on our new White Lion Conservation Project in South Africa, you will play a key role in aiding the conservation efforts of these beautiful big cats. You will:

  • Be part of a team that monitors the lions to ensure they are remaining healthy
  • You will play a big part in habitat management, ensuring that the land is suitable for the lions and invasive species are not able to harm them.
  • Take part in important scientific research such as in depth predator/prey analysis (to ensure there is enough food for the lions to survive), and data capturing

If this sounds like something you want to do and you would like to make a difference to the lives of the magnificent white lions of South Africa, then take a look today and see how you could help. Without human intervention they will go extinct, and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be a part of the team which is putting in efforts to save this from happening.

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John commented 11 months ago

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