Take A Closer Look At The Lion Conservation Project
Take A Closer Look At The Lion Conservation Project

Take A Closer Look At The Lion Conservation Project

Another Successful Lion Relocation: Ysis and Yoda's Journey to SanWild

Another Successful Lion Relocation: Ysis and Yoda's Journey to SanWild

From a life of exploitation to roaming the African plains, Ysis and Yoda’s journey to freedom is nothing short of extraordinary. Read how these rescued lions finally found their forever home. 

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Couple Douglas and Julie Share their SanWild Sanctuary & Reserve Adventure!

Couple Douglas and Julie Share their SanWild Sanctuary & Reserve Adventure!

From cleaning hyena enclosures to assisting with a lion rescue, volunteer couple Douglas & Julie share their experience of their incredible tasks at SanWild Sanctuary & Reserve in South Africa.

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Return Volunteer Antony Shares His Unforgettable Amakhala Experience

Return Volunteer Antony Shares His Unforgettable Amakhala Experience

“Seeing lions, cheetahs, elephants, and rhinos almost daily was absolutely incredible. Amakhala did not disappoint!” Read about Antony’s unforgettable wildlife volunteering experience.

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Posted by Connor Whelan on 15th Jul 2016 2 mins

While nature may be a dynamic and fickle force on our planet, some things remain unchanged for thousands of years. The title “king of the jungle” has and will always remain firmly in the paws of lions, provided lions are protected through concerted conservation efforts. The Lion Conservation Project is dedicated to protecting the lives and habitats of these legendary creatures to ensure that they will be around for generations to come.

Some of the biggest threats to lions in the wild come in the form of illegal poaching and animal trafficking, not to mention the ever-growing threats to their habitat as a result of human impact and climate change. If you have ever wanted to get involved on the front lines of wildlife conservation efforts, what better place to start than Africa! The Lion Conservation Project offers opportunities in numerous countries in Africa, including Namibia, Botswana and South Africa, where you will have the chance to work closely with conservationists in the lions’ natural habitat. This up close and personal introduction to volunteering can take many different forms, and given the need for conservation efforts across the continent of Africa, there are plenty of ways for you to help. From bush safari programs in the Kalahari to habitat maintenance programs for baboons, leopards, lions and cheetahs, if you want a hands-on experience that you’ll never forget, this is your chance to do something great.

The Lion Conservation Project is a key program in the ongoing fight to protect these big cats and ensure their long-term survival. If you wish to learn more about the many conservation opportunities available in Africa and around the world, click here now!

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