September the 4th is National Wildlife Day and whilst it may have begun in America, the day is held in celebration of animals all over the world. The day was created in memory of the legendary animal lover and conservationist Steve Irwin, and serves as a reminder of all of the animals around the world that are endangered and need conservation efforts to be increased drastically before their numbers reach a point of no return.
National Wildlife Day is also a chance to show recognition towards all of the people who dedicate their time to aiding the conservation of endangered animals all over the world. People worldwide are giving up their time and often money to help prevent a greater number of animal species from becoming extinct, whether it be volunteers helping to enrich the lives of rescued Orangutans in Borneo, or the rangers who stand guard over the few remaining White Rhinos in Africa. A lot of people are doing a lot of good.
National Wildlife Day is the perfect day to ask the question “How can I help?” You may think that you can’t help animals who live thousands of miles away from you but you would be wrong. It doesn’t matter if people make a large scale grand gesture, or a small one. Everyone can make a difference. Whether you decide to take a hands on approach and volunteer at an animal rescue centre, or simply donate to a worthy cause, it does not matter how you help, just that you do!
If we all use National Wildlife day as the catalyst we can help to make a difference to animals all around the world. To celebrate the day we have launched a photo contest on our Facebook page. The aim of the contest it to raise awareness of the day by having people post their favorite image of the huge variety of animal life found all around the world, so why not get involved yourself! If you win you'll get a £50 Gift Card and a travel kit so dig out your old pictures!