'Life-Changing, Rewarding, Memorable...' - Read Alexa's Review Of Her Time On The Victoria Falls Conservation Project!
'Life-Changing, Rewarding, Memorable...' - Read Alexa's Review Of Her Time On The Victoria Falls Conservation Project!

'Life-Changing, Rewarding, Memorable...' - Read Alexa's Review Of Her Time On The Victoria Falls Conservation Project!

Victoria Falls Conservation Experience

Victoria Falls Conservation Experience

13 - 27 Nights from $1,619.00

Help make a difference to Zimbabwe's incredible wildlife and visit the breath-taking Victoria Falls.

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The Impact of Volunteering: How You Can Make a Difference for Elephants

The Impact of Volunteering: How You Can Make a Difference for Elephants

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The Kariega ‘Big 5’ Conservation Project has evolved!

The Kariega ‘Big 5’ Conservation Project has evolved!

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David's Journey as a Return Volunteer in Africa and Sri Lanka!

David's Journey as a Return Volunteer in Africa and Sri Lanka!

Return volunteer David Pratt has joined the Kariega 'Big 5' Conservation Project in Africa and The Great Elephant Project in Sri Lanka and has shared his amazing experiences. From memorable wildlife encounters to valuable tips for future volunteers, find out more about his journey in today's blog.

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Posted by Leanne Sturrock on 24th May 2017 2 mins

We love hearing all about our volunteers' experiences from their time out on our projects, and today we've got a lovely review to share with you, courtesy of Alexa!

What was the highlight of your trip?

Meeting new people from all around and making friends for life! I also loved being introduced to the Zimbabwean culture, and talking to the locals and learning about how they live.

Victoria Falls

Would you go back to this project, or are you interested in joining any others?

I am going back to Victoria Falls this October and cannot wait!! I would definitely look into doing other projects as well in the future.

I loved being involved in the culture with locals instead of being a typical tourist and doing only touristy things by yourself. You really get to experience the country more doing it this way than if you were to do it by yourself.

What are you tips for new travellers?

Don’t be afraid to talk to new people and ask as many questions as you can to learn about the culture, animals and everything! Also, don’t take anything for granted: learn as much as you can and soak everything in.

Elephant and baby

If you had to describe your trip in 3 words, what would they be?

Life-changing, rewarding, memorable!

Did the trip inspire you to help animal conservation in any other ways?

I loved being so close to the elephants and learning a lot about them, and I would definitely love to do something with other animals in the future!

Rhino and baby

Why do you think people need to travel?

People need to experience different cultures, foods, ways of living, etc. instead of being so set on their ways and thinking their way is the only way. There are so many new things to try and learn from traveling around the world and it is such an amazing experience to be involved. Meeting people from all around the world and seeing how others live and experience the world is so rewarding and really makes you think hard about your life and different things you can improve to make your life even better! I love to travel as much as I can and take advantage of every opportunity I get!

Did you enjoy Alexa's review? If so, why not see how you can get involved by heading to our project page now!

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